Strength and Balance

We offer Strength and Balance group sessions, which are run from our clinic at 1-3 Burnt Street, Seaforth. 

We will prescribe you with an individualised program to improve your strength, balance, coordination, and fitness in a fun and safe environment. You will also have the opportunity to meet and socialise with like-minded people within our group sessions.

Book by calling 9907 9667 or send us an enquiry below 

Can I claim on my private health?

Yes, Group Exercise is claimable through private health fund as long as you have extras cover. 

WorkCover, DVA and EPC plans can also fund exercises classes

Cost: $35 

Strength and Balance

Seniors exercise

Group Exercise

Benefits of Strength and Balance Class?

  • Improving core stability
  • Building muscle strength
  • Improving mobility
  • Improving flexibility
  • Improving muscle tone
  • Improving balance
  • Improving coordination
  • Managing arthritis of hips and knees
  • Helping encourage good posture
  • Helping prevention of osteoporosis
  • Reducing falls 

So we can help you best, we encourage you to have a one on one consultation prior to starting a group class. This will allow us to:

  1. Get to know you, your injury history and your goals.
  2. Develop a tailored plan specific for your needs.
  3. Familiarise you with the equipment and exercises so we can maximise the benefit during every session. 

If you are new to the clinic your health fund will require a 1 on 1 assessment to enable you to claim with your private health.

Please give us a call on 9907 9667 or send an enquiry below to find out more

Previously Known as Appleby Physiotherapy 



1-3 Burnt Street
NSW 2092
(02) 9907 9667

Active Answers Health
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